Use Case Tool - Structure for the digitisation process

from | 12 August 2021 | Basics

How can companies successfully implement digitisation projects? How can knowledge be pooled and innovations driven forward? Use case tools are an effective tool for maintaining an overview and implementing forward-looking ideas. For companies above a certain size, such a system is therefore almost indispensable. We show which possibilities a use case tool offers and in which points the providers differ.

The challenge - lack of structure for the development of use cases 

A use case tool is a digital tool that relieves the burden of creating, evaluating and analysing use cases. Because many companies find it difficult to formulate correct data and AI development concepts from a product idea. 

On the one hand, this is due to a lack of a uniform structure. Many companies have not yet defined processes for the development of use cases. With the help of a use case tool, structures can be created that specify clear processes. In addition, it also facilitates the weighting of ideas in order to determine with which prioritisation the use cases should be advanced and on which resources should be spent.  

On the other hand, data silos exist in many companies. This means that the information needed to develop the use cases is distributed across many systems. This means that it has to be collected in a time-consuming process and is not available centrally.

Benefit from ideas centrally with use case tools 

A use case tool solves all these problems. It provides transparency about the different use cases in their current state of development. In addition, the solution makes it possible to evaluate and prioritise them.  

Such a tool is important for the management level, among others, to get a better feeling for the digital maturity level of the company. 

Another advantage is the direct integration with other software solutions. This means that the necessary information is quickly available.  

In addition, companies benefit from the simple and clear structures and the user-friendly accessibility. This means that all employees in the company can submit a use case and also work on it. This lowers inhibition thresholds and ensures that the knowledge and ideas of all employees can be accessed.

Prerequisites for the success of use case tools 

Use case tools therefore offer many advantages in the development of use cases. However, if the solution is not used under the right conditions within the organisation, it can have a negative impact on performance. Necessary conditions include, for example: 

  • User training - if users are properly trained in the use of the tool and the development process, delays in the course of the project can be prevented and the satisfaction of the end customers increases. 
  • Use structured development methods - teams with clear processes benefit from use case tools, while project groups with less orderly processes encounter problems. 
  • Prevent staff resistance - some staff refuse to use the use case tool because of concerns. For example, a tool for developing use cases is seen as superfluous due to good know-how. Other employees fear that such a solution may threaten their position and replace them. Therefore, it is important to address these concerns from the beginning and to involve employees through change management during the software implementation.  

Another hurdle in the introduction of a use case tool can be the costs. Prices differ depending on the provider, but there are also costs for training and maintenance. Therefore, it makes sense to compare the costs with the expected benefits and gains before implementing a use case tool. 

Overview of various use case tools 

The number of use case tools on the market is currently still manageable. However, the dividing line to other solutions such as innovation software is often blurred. Therefore, three use case tools are listed below as examples. 

It is important to choose a solution that offers the company the functions it needs. Therefore, before choosing a tool, we recommend defining the individual needs.  

Casebase - high efficiency thanks to AI expertise 

Casebase is a German innovation management platform that focuses primarily on the development of use cases along the data and AI development processes. Thanks to the low learning effort and intuitive control, it is effectively possible to involve every employee in the creation and development of Use Cases to include.  

The focus of the software is clearly on innovation management. It offers a high level of transparency across all use cases. In addition, Casebase is currently the only tool on the market that provides an overview of the progress in implementing the corporate strategy.  

A disadvantage is that due to the generalising approach, the solution is not suitable for highly specialised companies, as not all special cases and all usage scenarios can be covered. However, Casebase can offer a significant advantage in business development primarily in technically not fully digitalised companies. 
The advantages: 

  • Easy creation and editing of use cases 
  • Effective prioritisation and selection of individual use cases 
  • Digital roadmap for more transparency in all areas 
  • Provides comprehensive information on the progress of the corporate strategy 
  • Monitoring and KPI dashboards 


  • Too generalised for highly specialised companies 

HYPE - Multifunctional tool with clear entry height 

The Use Case ToolHYPE offers an enormous range of functions. The tool was developed by a German company and focuses primarily on the areas of innovation management and acquisition. The professional tool is particularly suitable for use in companies that need the extensive functions.  

All in all, HYPE offers very many different services in the field of innovation consulting. It thus enables considerable advantages, especially in business development.  

However, the variety of features is too large for most companies, which makes the use case tool confusing. In addition, familiarisation with the solution is more difficult than with many competing products, which makes new integration more difficult. However, if companies have this functional need, there is hardly an area that HYPE cannot cover. 

  • Wide range of functions 
  • Various offers in the area of innovation consulting 
  • Division of the software into different areas 

The disadvantages: 

  • Little focus on data and AI processes 
  • High range of functions makes the tool confusing 
  • Lack of interfaces, which make integration very difficult 

productboard - Use Case Tool for Product Teams 

The Use Case Toolproductboard from California is an established tool on the market. The focus of the solution is primarily in the areas of roadmapping and prioritisation in development. The tool is particularly suitable for development teams.  

The advantages are the user-friendliness and the low barriers to entry. The functions of the tool are very good and specifically selected, so that a large part of the needs can be covered, especially in the use case segment.  

One disadvantage is that the interfaces are developed for the English-speaking market. Integration with existing German tools can be difficult. 

The advantages: 

  • High user friendliness  
  • Good range of integrated functions  

The disadvantages: 

  • Functional scope corresponds more to a project management tool such as Jira 
  • Focuses more on product teams and their innovations 

Conclusion: More flexibility with the right use case tool  

In the future, the use of a use case tool will be indispensable for most companies on the market, regardless of the industry in which they operate. However, it is important to choose the solution that fits the company's structure and requirements.  

Companies that cover highly specialised areas of operation will do better with a more complex tool.

Such a system is of little use in a company that is not very digitised. Here, a provider like Casebase would certainly be the better choice, as this solution mainly covers generalised problems. The advantage of Casebase is that it offers better accessibility for most companies. In addition, the clear focus on the data and AI development processes can significantly simplify the work. 



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