Connected Car technology in use in the automotive industry

The connected vehicle plays a decisive role in the automotive industry today. [at] GmbH designs, evaluates and implements a wide range of use cases, always with the customer in focus.

Customer loyalty through innovative services


Development of new, data-driven business models

Increasing customer satisfaction


It is becoming increasingly important for companies to connect products and make them smarter. On the one hand, this creates an unprecedented experience for the customer and helps our client to learn more about the use of its products. The latter helps with the continuous improvement of the products.


We combine data obtained from sensors with statistical methods in order to new findings to create. For example, we can save heating costs by networking radiators or enable a navigation system with external data to independently avoid major events (e.g. marathons).


In various Connected Car Use Cases, we have demonstrated for a major German automotive group how the networking of vehicles (Connected Car) in combination with statistical methods can bring added value to the end customer.
This includes early warning of icy roads, intelligent avoidance of major events or calculation of the optimal refuelling taking into account price data and deviation from the current route.

Are you interested in your own use cases?


An automotive company would like to visualise various market-specific data in order to create a Competitive analysis for the US market.


There will be a interactive and Flexible application, including of different maps with two different views implemented.


Relevant markets are identifies, analyses and visualises. The dealer or the respective sales department have the possibility to compare the direct competition with their own product and to visualise the relevant data.

Our Case Studies

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Smart cooking with Thermomix

Smart cooking with the Thermomix

Case Study AI at Munich Re

Data Operations at Munich Re


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