Basic training in data visualisation for a pharmaceutical company

Expert: Michael Scharpf

Industry: Other

Area: Marketing & Sales

With our customised basic training in data visualisation, we provided a leading pharmaceutical company with a clear view.

Our AI and Data Science Case Studies:
Experience from over 1,600 customer projects

Data complexity hits decision makers

In an increasingly digitalised world, businesses are increasingly reliant on fast, efficient and clear data analysis. One client came to us with a clear challenge: they needed specialised dashboards for different user groups. This was particularly important for their professional and managerial staff, who were often faced with the task of making timely decisions. But the time-consuming data evaluation and long strings of numbers inhibited the process.

This is a common problem for many companies. Faced with enormous amounts of data, they are looking for ways to Analyse data efficiently and present it in a target group-specific and understandable way.

Our training: Fundamentals of data visualisation

Our expertise in data analytics and data visualisation enabled us to provide the client with a Innovative data visualisation training to offer. Our recommendation focused not only on the pure development of the dashboards, but also on comprehensive staff training. This training included the teaching of modern approaches to dashboard development and specifically highlighted ten critical factors to consider when creating them.

But we went one step further. Based on current market trends and Best Practices, we showed approaches for agile dashboards that enable a flexible and interactive user experience. Through this integration of practice and theory, we ensured that our client not only received a product, but also the necessary know-how for future projects.

In-depth knowledge for optimised dashboards

After completing our project and training, we saw impressive results. The reporting that we developed strictly followed the Current standards of data visualisationwhat a High user-friendliness and efficiency provided.

Thanks to the approaches we imparted, we found a significant increased acceptance of the dashboards developed. This was reflected not only in the satisfaction of the professional and managerial staff, but also in the Increased productivity of the company. Furthermore, it was particularly pleasing to observe how all participants deepened and applied the data visualisation guidelines in the practical part. This guarantees that our client will continue to benefit from the acquired knowledge in the future and continuously optimise its dashboards.

Curious now? Let us show you what sets us apart from other companies and how we can help you achieve your goals.

Your expert

Michael Scharpf - Key Account Manager

Michael Scharpf

Key Account Manager | Alexander Thamm GmbH