Reporting according to ICBS / Hichert reporting standards

Expert: Michael Scharpf

Industry: Automotive & Engineering

Area: Marketing & Sales

Transform your data into convincing visualisations: Dive into the world of ICBS and Hichert reporting.

Our AI and Data Science Case Studies:
Experience from over 1,600 customer projects

The need for clear management reports makes Hichert reporting standards

A renowned car manufacturer was faced with the challenging task of raising the perception and Significantly increase the acceptance of its existing management reports. Despite the wealth of data available, it was challenging for the company to present it in a clear and understandable form that could be easily interpreted by both senior and lower management. It quickly became clear that the key to success lay in innovative visualisation methods.

Implementation of the IBCS-based visualisation concept

In response to this challenge, we developed an individual visualisation concept based on the tried and tested IBCS rules and with a strong reference to the "Success Rules according to Hichert", an industry Recognised standard for business presentations. These Hichert reporting standards not only demonstrate quality and clarity, but also provide optimised readability for stakeholders at different levels.

In creating this concept, we placed particular emphasis on formulating uniform guidelines for the presentation of the graphics. This ensured a Consistent and clear communication across all management levels across. Once the concept was created, we conducted a comprehensive feasibility analysis to ensure that the proposed changes could be seamlessly integrated into the company's existing systems and processes. Once this phase was completed, the visualisation concept was successfully implemented without any major obstacles.

Improved acceptance and interpretation at all management levels

The result of our dedicated work was impressive: The newly developed visualisation concept according to IBCS was not only implemented, but the established guidelines for the graphics were also consistently applied. This ensured a clear and Concise presentation of business data, which made it much easier to understand the information.

We not only analysed the graphics, but also ensured that they were presented according to the established concept. This has led to a significant Increasing the acceptance and interpretability of the graphics at all management levels. The consistently positive response showed that our customised solution exactly met the needs and requirements of the car manufacturer.

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Your expert

Michael Scharpf - Key Account Manager

Michael Scharpf

Key Account Manager | Alexander Thamm GmbH