Data analytics training for an insurance company
Within the framework of a bilingual WBT, all employees are to be provided with basic knowledge in the area of data analytics.
Training of approx. 20,000 employees in two languages
Modules of the WBT can be carried out independently of each other and are reusable
Employees have a basic understanding of data analytics and strive for deeper knowledge development along the curriculum
A global reinsurer wants to introduce all employees to the topic of data analytics in the reinsurance sector and thus contribute to the digital transformation. The level of knowledge and practical experience of the employees in the area of data is very heterogeneous.
A customised curriculum for data analytics is designed with corresponding development stages. A web-based training (WBT) serves as a basic course to familiarise as many employees as possible with data analytics as a topic and to bring it into context with their everyday work. Industry-related examples and varied interactions during the transfer of knowledge maximise the didactic transfer online. The topics are divided into 10 flexible modules.
A 90-minute web-based training on data analytics in the insurance/reinsurance sector delivers easy-to-understand data analytics content in a general context and in relation to their everyday work. Future training elements of the curriculum will build on the basic WBT.
Are you interested in your own use cases?
An automotive company would like to visualise various market-specific data in order to create a Competitive analysis for the US market.
There will be a interactive and Flexible application, including of different maps with two different views implemented.
Relevant markets are identifies, analyses and visualises. The dealer or the respective sales department have the possibility to compare the direct competition with their own product and to visualise the relevant data.
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